
I’m lucky to have worked alongside Valeta for nearly ten years. She’s a brilliant, multi-talented, consummate professional who brings passion and purpose to every project she pursues. Here are just a few reasons you should hire her without delay:

Valeta possesses exceptional organizational skills. I’ve witnessed, time and again, her unique ability to bring order to chaos. She creates streamlined, efficient processes that save time and frustration so that everyone can focus on higher-level strategic priorities. Valeta has a growth mindset and is never content with the status quo, always striving for excellence in all that she does.

Valeta is a talented writer with an incredible knack for communicating the mission and value of a project in clear terms that your audience will readily understand. If you need an experienced writer to create a compelling proposal that will win approval from funders and stakeholders, Valeta is the professional you need to hire for the job.

Valeta never fails to notice important details that are key to a project’s success, but she also keeps the broader strategic picture front and center. Valeta always has a laser focus on the most important factor driving a particular issue—cutting away the mental clutter that could cloud the situation and allowing everyone to quickly arrive at a shared understanding of what needs to happen next.

Valeta has tremendous personal integrity. She cares deeply about the people she works with and the communities they serve. Valeta has already built a distinguished career in the human rights field—her credentials are there for all to see in her résumé. But as her coworker of many years, I can tell you that she walks the walk in her personal dealings with her colleagues as well. I am proud to call her a close friend.

Rose de Fremery
B2B Technology Content Marketing Writer

Valeta is one of the most committed and engaged members of the LCU Fund’s Board of Directors. She possesses a rare combination of exceptional attention to detail and the ability to think big picture. She is warm and accessible. In both her committee work and the full board, she demonstrates an extensive knowledge of non-profit operations and processes. Valeta’s contribution to the Board is immense; she makes us better and smarter. Moreover, she is one of my favorite people to work with.

Sara Espinosa
Executive Director, LCU Fund for Women’s Education

While working with an organization that shared office space with ours, Valeta went above and beyond on many occasions to help with last-minute notarization needs (in one case even making a special trip into the city), lending her enthusiasm and support to our initiatives at Village Health Works, and generally demonstrating professionalism, collegiality, and a positive, hopeful outlook.

She radiates commitment and passion for the causes she believes in—-something clearly reflected in her work ethic, dedication, and attitude. Moreover, she lives her values in the every day, treating co-workers, office visitors, and everyone whose path crosses hers with the utmost care and respect.

I look forward to seeing how she’ll continue to make this world a better place!

Cathryn Christensen, MD, MPH
Clinical Programs Director, Village Health Works, Burundi and New York